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Use the form below to search through specific directories of files on this web site.

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Do not use commas to separate items.

"Wetland Drainage" will find 'wetland drainage' if 'All Words' is selected or "wetland" and "drainage" if 'Any Words' is selected. wetland, drainage will try to find 'wetland,' and 'drainage' as separate words if 'Any Words' is selected or will try to find 'wetland, drainage' if All Words is selected.

Truncated words.

If 'Any Word' is selected, "Wetla" and "Draina"will find 'Wetland' and 'Drainage' but if 'All Words' is selected the search will return nothing.

This search engine will not find exact matches of phrases.

"Drained Wetlands" will return nothing unless the document being searched contain the exact phrase in quotes "Drained Wetland" and 'All Words' is selected.

Asterisks (*) cannot be used as a substitute for a string of characters of any length.

Truncate the word and select 'Any Word' : pollu finds pollution, polluter, polluters, polluting

Question marks (?) cannot be substituted for a single character

Truncate the word and select 'Any Word' : "Envir" finds Environment, Environmental, Environs

Do not use + or - in the search field unless you are looking for "+" or "-".

"Development + Greed" will return the exact phrase 'Development + Greed' if it exists in the searched text and 'All Words' is selected. If 'Any Word' is selected, it will try to find '"Development' and '+' and 'Greed"' as separate strings.

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